Saturday, November 20, 2010

Alexander and Friends

Alexander is quite a social little man. He is quite lucky to have so many friends to play with and spend time with. A "playdate" up until this point in time consists of laying on a blanket with his friend and looking at them. Up until a month or so ago he didn't even know anyone else was in the room really! But I know that as he grows he will cherish his time with these friends and will learn so many things through the interaction and play they will provide. Justin and I are truly lucky to have so many wonderful friends in our lives that have such sweet children. Here are some pictures of Alexander and his friends!

Alexander and sweet Connor
Alexander is about a month old and Connor is 3 months

Alexader and Connor Again!
Alexander is 4 months and Connor is 7 months

Alexander and Alexis
Alexander is about a month and Alexis is 4 months

Alexander, Alexis and her big sis Michaela

Alexander and his twin friends Dai and Ella

Alexander and his friend William at the Stone Mountain Laser Show

Alexander and Mary Frances
Alexander is 6 months and Mary Frances is 5 months